(((permanently under construction))) 
email: tiredbenni@gmail.com 
Instagram: @sgranciporro

commission work

This is Benni. (and/or Benji)

Lately thinking about words, spatial conversations, Romagnolo dialect, words on textile, sounds and their materiality, audio essays, possible words activities, collective writing, reading sessions, voice, saying and seeing and so on and so forth.

You can find some sketches, projects, images, experimentations, try-outs here.

///Part of///
Mushroom Radio
Cockroach Collective 


MEGASTUDIO, Habitat, Ca’ dei Monti, October 2022

Athens Art Book fair, Collective display, October 2023
Zinecamp, Rotterdam, November 2023 
Tiny Zine Fest, Berlin, December 2023

Unfolding Territories,  with Cockroach Colletive at The Grey Space in the Middle, The Hague, 2021
Spectrum X Cockroach Collective, Frijdastraat 4, The Hague, 2021
dot dot dot, in collaboration with Angelina Nonaj and Scott van Kampen Wieling, at boox.space , Haarlem, February 2023
RRRIjskast nomadic group exhibition, Rotterdam,  September 2023
OYO 7, group exhibition,  at De Haagse Kunstkring, October 2023 

Valentine editions, Rock, printed and digital publication, 2022
Robida 9 soil ~ prst ~ suolo, printed publication, November 2023